
Quit Smoking Products

Quit Smoking Products Directory

If you you are in the beginning of a smoking cessation program you are in the road to achieve a healthy life. Smoking have devastating effects for smokers, but it is feasible to restore the normal functions of the damaged organs if you follow the medical instructions and you are able to introduce some small changes in your lifestyle.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that we all need to mantain our overall health, but this is specially true with smokers because smoking decreases the ascorbic acid in the body. So smokers need an adittional dose of Vitamin C to get the daily intake between the average levels. Vitamin C also helps your body absorb iron, and counteracts the damage that smoking produce to the arteries. Also  Vitamin C improves the absorbtion of calcium, which is important to keep in good shape the bone mass. Main sources of Vitamin C are citrus fruit, broccoli, strawberries, cabbage, and kiwis.

Quit Smoking Products

Vitamin B, is important for your lung health. Some studies have shown that the folic acid intake can diminish the symptoms associated with bronchitis and other lung problems. Mains sources of  folic acid are orange and fortified cereal.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects from unsafe free radicals and can assist with the body rebuild. The regular intake of Vitamin E may lower the peril of heart attack and stroke. Main sources of Vitamin E include oils, nuts, seeds, liver, and clams.

Besides the intake of some specific food, some doctors and specialists recommend the use of multivitamin and herbal supplements to aid the recovery from the bad consequences of smoking.

If you are in need of support to quit smoking, there are different places , medical treatments, and alternative therapies of benefit. There are  several quit smoking help centers to get assistance to eliminate this habit, but the most critical point to quit smoking is the sincere desire to be smoke-free and well again.

There is a big market for laser and acupuncture smoking cessation treatments. These methods do not have much scientific research to recommend them, but there are some reports that state that they may work for some people.

Nicotine replacements provide smokers with a method to handle their cravings and to lessen their dependence on nicotine. Nicotine gum, and patchs, are the main products available for smoking cessation , and manufacturers state that can help to reduce the dependency on nicotine, and the symptoms linked with the nicotine abstinence. Herbal Supplements Online

Herbal Quit Smoking – Stop Smoking Cure